Concerns over the relationship between the church and state, a persistent issue dating back to the early 17th century, again became a matter for discussion during the ratification period. During the 1780s, five states prohibited the clergy from holding public office. The Massachusetts ratification convention was notable in that it had seventeen clergymen elected to serve as delegates and, as was the case with several conventions, opened each day with prayer. These policies gave rise to questions concerning the role of the clergy in the process. One writer noted that religious leaders were “bound to concern themselves only with those things that appertain to the kingdom of heaven.” Others comfortable with clergymen being involved in the process observed “they have a sufficiency of leisure upon their hands to fix, at least, one eye pretty steadily upon the political affairs of the world we are in.” Our selections illustrate both the dismay and comfort many expressed about having religious leaders being engaged in the ratification process.
- Middlesex Gazette, 22 October 1787 (pdf)
- Lycurgus, American Herald, 29 October 1787 (pdf)
- Philadelphia Freeman’s Journal, 7 November 1787 (pdf)
- Henry Jackson to Henry Knox, Boston, 11 November 1787 (pdf)
- Benjamin Gale: Speech in Killingworth, Conn., Town Meeting, 12 November 1787 (pdf)
- Samuel Baird to John Nicholson, Norristown, Pa., 13 November 1787 (pdf)
- Benjamin Gale to William Samuel Johnson, Killingworth, Conn., 13 November 1787 (pdf)
- A Baptist, New York Journal, 30 November 1787 (pdf)
- Democritus, New York Journal, 28 December 1787 (pdf)
- Israel, Boston American Herald, 31 December 1787 (pdf)
- A List of Boston Clergymen Opening the Daily Proceedings of the Massachusetts Ratification Convention, 12-29 January 1788 (pdf)
- Three Items Appearing in Boston Newspapers Regarding the Role of the Clergy in the Massachusetts Ratification Convention