Documentary History of the First Federal Elections

The Documentary History of the First Federal Elections, 1788–1790, 4 volumes.

Edited by Merrill Jensen, Robert A. Becker, and Gordon DenBoer
Published by the University of Wisconsin Press (1976–1989)
1,620 pages (in 4 volumes)
6 x 9.25 inches

These volumes are currently not available for purchase at our online bookstore.

From the website of the National Archives—A comprehensive edition of documents and correspondence pertaining to the first congressional presidential elections. Included are hundreds of documents which together illuminate the critical political events of the time and the men who forged them. These documents, most of which have been available to scholars only under the most difficult of circumstances, provided the basis for a more complete understanding of the fundamental political acts required to implement the Constitution after its ratification: the election of Representatives, Senators, Electors, and a President—the men who would give shape and meaning to the government created by the Constitution.