The Role of Religion in Early America, 6–7 April 2018

In April 2018, visiting scholar Carl Richard joined CSAC staff and more than a dozen teachers to explore the role religion played in early American society. Below are recordings of selected sessions and links to documents, PowerPoint presentations, and handouts used during those sessions.

Day One

Religion in America: Colonial Foundations to the American Revolution (Margaret R. Flamingo)

Religion in America: The Revolution and Early National America (John P. Kaminski)

Religious Issues in the Ratification Debates (John P. Kaminski)

The Ratification Debates as an Exercise in Civil Religion (Margaret R. Flamingo)

Day Two

A People of the Book (Carl J. Richard)

Religion, Morality, and Republicanism (Carl J. Richard)

Religion and the Founders (John P. Kaminski and Carl J. Richard)

Document Discussion: Presidential Responses to Faith Communities